
US Department of Defense

This tag is associated with 6 posts

1994 US House of Representatives Report on Radiation Research in the VA Involving Human Subjects

DOCUMENT: 1994_Radiation Research in the VA Involving Human Subjects_Serial No 103-37 (198 pages, .pdf 9.6 MB) Today we haul yet another dark chapter of the history of “The Greatest Democracy In The World(TM)”, the United States, out of the memory hole and bring it back to public scrutiny; this time in an easily accessible, downloadable and … Continue reading

US Department of Defense Releases List of All 300+ Hollywood Films DoD Helped Produce

Hello friends!  Ever wonder what it means when you see on the Big Screen a reference to the fact that the movie you just watched and had an emotional response to was produced “with the assistance of” the US Military? Just how extensive has the US military’s influence on Hollywood been over the years?  How … Continue reading

Tor Project Executive Director Andrew Lewman’s Response to Our 2nd “Open Letter” to Tor

We have just received an email response to our 2nd “Open Letter” to Tor from Andrew Lewman, Executive Director of the Tor Project.  His letter, which we reprint in its entirety, speaks for itself; however, we will publish our response to it later today or tomorrow. Lewman’s letter grossly misrepresents many of the points we … Continue reading

Tor “Sponsor F”: Make Your Product More Useful to Us for Attacks on China

Here is an example of one of the contracts the Tor Project has underway at the present time. Read this and try to figure out who is behind this particular project. You will not that, at the end of the list of project objectives, the country of China is mentioned specifically. We asked Tor Project … Continue reading

Tor Project’s Support for US Espionage Activities in Syria, Iran and China Questioned in New Open Letter to Andrew Lewman

The following is the text of a new email we’ve just sent to Mr. Andrew Lewman, Executive Director of the Tor Project. We will publish his response when we receive it. In his email to us we received yesterday, Mr. Lewman admitted that the two major funders of the Tor Project in 2011 were the … Continue reading

Tor Project Executive Director Andrew Lewman Responds to Our “Open Letter”

We have received the following response from Andrew Lewman, Executive Director of the Tor Project, in response to our earlier “Open Letter” inquiring about the sources of Tor’s funding, which, in 2011, consisted largely of donations from the US Department of Defense and the US State Department: Subject:       Re: [tor-assistants] (no subject) From:      … Continue reading

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