
Broadcasting Board of Governors

This tag is associated with 2 posts

#PanamaPapers: How “Friends of WikiLeaks – Chicago” Saw Through ICIJ’s US Government Propaganda Operation

Please excuse us for being a bit proud of the fact that we (almost) alone saw through the bullshit of the “Panama Papers””leak” from the moment we heard about it.  We got a lot of shit for our immediate denouncing of this alleged “leak”.  The fact that we turned out to be almost the only … Continue reading

Tor Project Executive Director Andrew Lewman’s Response to Our 2nd “Open Letter” to Tor

We have just received an email response to our 2nd “Open Letter” to Tor from Andrew Lewman, Executive Director of the Tor Project.  His letter, which we reprint in its entirety, speaks for itself; however, we will publish our response to it later today or tomorrow. Lewman’s letter grossly misrepresents many of the points we … Continue reading

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