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Make Your Donation to the Friends of WikiLeaks – Chicago’s 2013 Fundraising Campaign!

As you may have noticed, we have just created a fundraising campaign for our organization via the “Indiegogo” organization.  We can now accept donations from the public that will be used to build the Friends of WikiLeaks – Chicago locally as well as to raise funds in support of WikiLeaks and break the bankers’ blockade!

By clicking on the FoWL logo on the right side of our home page where it says “DONATE NOW!”, you will be directed to our Indiegogo campaign website.  For the next 45 days, we will be running a fundraising campaign seeking donations from our friends and supporters: our goal is to raise $50,000 to set up a modest Chicago office and to start sending much-needed funds to defend Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks team from persecution at the hands of the US Government.

It’s an old saying in the socialist movement: “Money is congealed consciousness”.  By donating money, you are putting your hard-earned dollars to work in a cause you know is just and deserves serious support.  Victories cost dollars!  While the halls of the US Congress are filled with teams of highly-paid professional thieves known as “lobbyists” pushing the selfish agendas of major corporations and their stockholders – and getting results – the working class has no representation in Washington and has to go begging for support wherever it can get it.  This situation has got to stop!  Worker-activists fighting on the behalf of the working class of the United States and the world deserve the same level of financial support that the criminals running US banks and corporations get.  With a US working class of 175,000,000, if we could just get a dollar a month from each worker in this country there would be no power on Earth that could stop us from achieving our goals of putting an end to the rapidly growing US surveillance state and the capitalist system that spawned it and nurtures it.

You don’t have to send us a ton of money.  Every donation, no matter how small, is a significant contribution to the work.  All those pennies and nickels add up quickly.  Let’s show the “powers that be” the power of the working class to act in its own defense!

All of our donations and expenses will be accounted for and published regularly on this website.  Your money will not be squandered on frivolous expenses.  You can be certain that every dollar will be used to fight against the massive attacks against WikiLeaks and in support of keeping the revelations coming.

And remember: we need people to donate their time as well.  With over a million new documents planned on being released this year, WikiLeaks is going to need thousands of hard-working, honest workers to analyze and publish the most important revelations.  You can be a vital part of this work.  We will also be visiting college campuses throughout Chicagoland and will be participating in demonstrations whenever they become necessary.  If you’d like to donate your time, contact us!  We will never have too many people working with us, and we will find worthwhile work for you to get involved with.

2013 promises to be a banner year for WikiLeaks; we need your help!  Join us!

Friends of WikiLeaks – Chicago

About fowlchicago

Chicago-based support group for WikiLeaks. We are always looking for new members who would like to help study the documents and publish reports based on new releases from WikiLeaks as they come out, as well as to provide public support for Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and all genuine whistleblowers who come under attack from the US Government. People of all political stripes are welcome (except fascists). Join us!


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