

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Censored Official Transcripts of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins’ Testimony Before Congress, January 8, 9 and 12, 2024

We are pleased to present to our readers the inexplicably censored transcripts of the testimony of #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020 criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, both of whom were subpoenaed to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Fauci’s testimony took place on January … Continue reading

How the US CDC Conspired to Cover Up the Knowledge that Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Are Rapidly Becoming Useless

As part of our almost-two-year-long battle against #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020, we are pleased to present to you a pair of slide decks on the rapidly waning efficacy of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.  The first is from a presentation made on the waning effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in US Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and older made … Continue reading

FoWL Chicago Still Being Censored by Twitter: Fight the Capitalist Class’s Global War on Workers Rights! Workers to Power!

Just a quick update so our readers are aware of why I haven’t posted anything on Twitter for a couple of months: our Twitter account has been suspended yet again for reasons that have never been given to us by Twitter. In 2020 we saw the culmination of years of gaslighting by the “#WesternDemocracies(TM)” over … Continue reading

“Exercise Cygnus”: UK Governments war-gamed a flu pandemic in 2016 – then ignored the exposed flaws in their system until COVID-19 hit

Exercise Cygnus Report_Tier One Command Post Exercise_Pandemic Influenza_18 to 20 October 2016 Today we’re publishing the UK Government’s 2016 “Exercise Cygnus Report – Tier One Command Post Exercise – Pandemic Influenza – 18 to 20 October 2016” for your perusal. In it we see how the UK Governments war-gamed a government response to a major … Continue reading

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