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Chelsea Manning, Friends of WikiLeaks, Friends of WikiLeaks - Los Angeles, Julian Assange, Julian Assange Plea Deal, US Government Scandals, WikiLeaks

Julian Assange is still in the clutches of the US Gov’t: Due to leave Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands for Canberra, AUS in 4 hours

Assange’s hearing on the plea deal was scheduled to take place at 9AM Saipan time on 25 June in Saipan, Mariana Islands; he is apparently going to stay in Saipan overnight, and is then scheduled to fly from Saipan to Canberra at 12:00PM, 26 June, Saipan time – just 3 hours from now as I write this.

Follow the flight via this link:

Updates will follow: we expect more fuckery from the US, so keep your eyes open.


About fowlchicago

Chicago-based support group for WikiLeaks. We are always looking for new members who would like to help study the documents and publish reports based on new releases from WikiLeaks as they come out, as well as to provide public support for Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and all genuine whistleblowers who come under attack from the US Government. People of all political stripes are welcome (except fascists). Join us!


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