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Censored Official Transcripts of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins’ Testimony Before Congress, January 8, 9 and 12, 2024

We are pleased to present to our readers the inexplicably censored transcripts of the testimony of #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020 criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, both of whom were subpoenaed to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Fauci’s testimony took place on January 8th and 9th, 2024; Collins’ testimony was taken on 12 January, 2024.  These are all .pdf files sourced from the official website of the House Subcommittee itself. [The files and a table of most significant contents can be found at the end of this article].

In our opinion, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a congenital liar who repeatedly misled and misinformed the citizens of the United States and of the world about the origins, actual threat represented by and appropriate responses to what we have dubbed #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020.  Not only did Fauci lie repeatedly to the world about the effectiveness of masks, social distancing and the essentially worthless COVID-19 “vaccines” (among many other things), he, Collins and their co-conspirators at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) formed a cabal that tried to discredit and destroy the careers of eminent scientists, doctors, other health care professionals and well-informed citizens who dared to question the necessity of the adoption of draconian measures in response to the weak-ass SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variants.  On top of that, Fauci and his colleagues at NIH and NIAID reportedly reaped over $700 million dollars in kickbacks from Big Pharma for their work during the coronavirus “pandemic”.  In our opinion, Fauci, Collins and their co-conspirators at NIH, NIAID, CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) all belong in prison cells, with their ill-gotten gains confiscated from them and transferred to the thousands of heroic doctors, nurses, university professors and myriad others who had their reputations severely damaged and/or were fired from their jobs for challenging the phony “science” being promulgated by Fauci, Collins et al during the “pandemic”.

The insane over-reaction by public health authorities all over the world to SARS-CoV-2, the emergence of which, by March of 2020, had been completely exposed as being a not-at-all deadly virus for the vast majority of the world’s population represents the greatest and most comprehensive failure of the scientific community of this planet in world history.  Therefore, we welcome the House investigation of this monstrous public health debacle; however, we doubt if this will result in the kind of criminal prosecution of the top criminals responsible for it, since almost every leading politician at the local, state and national levels, from both wings of the Republican/Democrat Uniparty running the US government (all hired tools of the depraved, greed-maddened US capitalist class) would, by pursuing meaningful prosecutions, ultimately wind up being prosecuted themselves.  We expect that there will be merely Potemkin “hearings” and then a bogus type of “truth and reconciliation” circus will take place, under which the principal criminals will be allowed to confess to their crimes in exchange for immunity from the long prison terms they so richly deserve.

Only a revolutionary Trotskyist workers party would be capable of even beginning to seriously investigate and prosecute the deep corruption, fraud, conscious lying to the workers of the world and self-dealing that took place during #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020.  The working class of the USA, completely without even one dedicated representative in Congress due to more than a century of successful FBI and local and state police agency attacks on every workers party that has ever been created in this country (Socialist Party, IWW, Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Spartacist League, Black Panther Party, International Socialist Organization, and the current FBI raids on the African People’s Socialist Party) desperately needs its own political party.  Until this workers party is organized, the working class super-majority of the USA will remain effectively totally disenfranchised and locked out of the political process completely, and will have to watch from the sidelines as the Republicrats pretend to represent our interests while continuously robbing us blind and allowing criminals like Fauci and his ilk escape justice and continue to run amok, trampling our rights in the dust.

DUMP THE REPUBLICRATS!  BUILD A REVOLUTIONARY TROTSKYIST WORKERS PARTY!  FIGHT FOR A WORKERS GOVERNMENT; FIGHT FOR A SOCIALIST FUTURE!  …Because there is literally no future for the working class under the capitalist system!





Page 2: Why are the names of so many of the lawyers involved in these hearings censored?  This is absurd.

Page 3:  More censored names and names of organizations participating in the hearings.  Why?

Page 6:  More inexplicably censored names.

Page 11, line 14:  Alleged threats to Fauci require enhanced security at the hearings.

Page 12, line 5:  Lawyers from White House and NIAID are at hearings to “represent” Fauci and provide political interference with questions from Congress.

Page 15, line 16: Fauci’s responsibilities regarding “biodefense research activities” and his security clearances.  He claims he can’t remember what was the top level security clearance he ever acquired!

Page 16, line 9:  Here begins Fauci’s repeated pretense to “not recall” anything specific that occurred in his last 4 years as head of NIAID.

Page 20, line 9:  “Yes or no of whether or not you communicated with these individuals regarding the origins of COVID, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or EcoHealth Alliance:”  Long list of names, most of whom Fauci claims not to recall if he ever discussed those 3 topics with.

Page 21, line 2: Fauci claims he can’t recall ever discussing any of these topics with President Trump!

Page 23, line 5:  When asked if he ever discussed these topics with Gina Haspel, who was the Director of the CIA during the Trump Administration from 26 April 2018 until Biden took office on 20 Jan 2021, Fauci says “I don’t know who they are”!  He also “can’t recall” ever discussing these topics with the next CIA Director, Mike Pompeo!

Page 23, line 19:  Fauci doesn’t recall any conversations with either President Biden or Vice-President Harris about any of these topics!

Page 24, line 25:  Ditto with Biden’s new National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan! 

[You get the picture: Fauci is lying his ass off, as usual.  I’ll skip ahead to the next relevant portion of Fauci’s “testilying”].

Page 25, line 14:  Finally, Fauci recalls several conversations – with Francis Collins and others.

Page 27, line 2: Fauci does recall discussing the origins of SARS-CoV-2 with Jeremy Farrar, former Director of the deeply interest-conflicted Wellcome Trust, where he worked with the UK’s infamous Chris Whitty and Neil Ferguson.

Page 27, line 24:  Discussed origins with Christian Drosten, publisher of the infamous “Lancet Letter

Page 28, line 16:  Fauci can’t recall having a conversation with Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance regarding origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Page 29, line 7:  Fauci doesn’t recall having conversations about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 with Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, nor with Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina who, in 2015, co-wrote with Shi a journal article entitled “‘A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence,’ which describes their work in generating and characterizing a chimeric virus which added the spike of a bat coronavirus (SHC014) onto the backbone of a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (rMA15).” Source: Wikipedia, “Ralph S. Baric

Page 29, line 17:  Lawyer sent from White House to “represent Fauci” begins political interference to restrict what questions Congressmen are allowed to ask his “client”!


Page 183, line 21 et seq.:  Fauci admits that he pulled the 6-foot rule out of his ass.

Page 184, line 16, re: the decision to implement the 6-foot rule. Fauci: “I think it would fall under the category of empiric. Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”


About fowlchicago

Chicago-based support group for WikiLeaks. We are always looking for new members who would like to help study the documents and publish reports based on new releases from WikiLeaks as they come out, as well as to provide public support for Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and all genuine whistleblowers who come under attack from the US Government. People of all political stripes are welcome (except fascists). Join us!


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